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About Us

Faversham Footpaths Group was formed in June 2015 with the aim of preserving, maintaining and promoting the use of public rights of way in Faversham and the surrounding area and encouraging the creation of more public footpaths. Its full objects are:

  1. To assert and protect the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of footpaths, bridleways and byways in Faversham and the surrounding area.
  2. To prevent, by making representations to the appropriate public authorities or by any other lawful means, the obstruction of public paths.
  3. To ensure that public rights of way are adequately signposted and way marked and are satisfactorily maintained.
  4. To resist proposals for the extinguishment or diversion of rights of way whenever, in the opinion of the Group, they would be contrary to the public interest.
  5. To press for the creation of new public rights of way.
  6. To encourage the designation of existing public paths by the deadline of 1 January 2026.
  7. To organise walks and to encourage the use of public paths in Faversham and the surrounding area.
  8. To support, and where appropriate affiliate to, other organisations which share the objects of the Group.

The Group affiliated to Ramblers in December 2017.

A copy of the Group’s constitution and rules is here  The Group’s data protection policy is here: FFG Data Protection Policy May 2018[1]

about1The Group has taken a keen interest in Natural England’s work to devise a route for the English coastal path through Faversham and around Faversham Creek. It has also successfully led the campaign for a Creek-side footpath at Faversham Reach and Waterside Close.

The Group’s elected Executive Committee comprises:

  • Trevor Payne (Chair)
  • Ashley CM Sayewell (Treasurer)
  • Robin Sayewell (Secretary)
  • Andrew Osborne
  • Anne Salmon
  • Cllr Julian Saunders
  • Linda Harrison 
  • Chris Oswald-Jones (non voting member)
  • Adrian Oliver (non voting member)

The Group currently has around seventy  members.

Minutes of the Group’s meetings can be found here: