One of the main aims of the FFG is to protect public access to footpaths that many of us use, but which are not on what is called the Definitive Map, by applying for what is called a Definitive Map Modification Order. We have been working on this with Faversham Town Council (FTC) and below we publish an article from the Autumn 2023 edition of the FTC’s Newsletter on three such footpaths. We hope that you will read the article and contact the Deputy Town Clerk if you are able to help, in giving evidence of your use of the paths involved. You can also contact the Group’s Secretary, who can advise over how to complete the forms if necessary.
You will note that below the article and maps, there are links to the KCC form plus KCC Guidance notes for the form on how it has ‘to be individually completed’.
There is also a link to the FTC Newsletter where this particular article is on Pages 2 and 3 followed later by a report on the Neighbourhood Plan and another about the Cross Town Walking Path where all three of these schemes are related to the promotion of Public Footpaths :
Saving Existing Footpaths
Maintaining access to footpaths and walkways in the town and local countryside, which have been regularly used by the public for many years, is a key priority for the Town Council.
Legislation allows Local communities to get existing footpaths and walkways, which are not registered as public rights of way currently, added to Kent County Council’s Definitive Map of Rights of Way, ensuring they are protected for public use in the future. The risk of losing public access to a key community asset Like Faversham Creek, have been graphically illustrated by recent uncertainty about the future of the Morrisons site after the company announced that they were closing. When the store opened as a Cooperative supermarket thirty years ago a creek-side walkway was included which has allowed the public to walk from Flood Lane by the side of the creek to North Lane since then.
Recognising the potential problem, at its September 2023 meeting the Town Council moved quickly to agree that a Definitive Map Modification Order should be applied for, so that this walking route becomes a public right of way, protected for the public regardless of what plans future owners of the site have for its development.
The application process for getting a Definitive Map Modification Order agreed by the County Council requires members of the public to write in to confirm that have used this walking route for twenty years, It is therefore quite onerous, and we are appealing for your help in ensuring that we are successful in obtaining an order,
If you can help by providing a statement please email Adrienne Begent. the Deputy Town Clerk at who can make the County Council’s standard evidence statement form available.
There are two other Definitive Map Modification Orders that the Town Council are pursuing currently – one to protect unregistered pathways at Abbeyfields which might be at risk of future development and the other the Tram Road’ which provides a good walking route to Oare Creek and the Shipwright Arms. If you can evidence your regular use of these you should also contact Adrienne Begent.
In conclusion, having a continuous walkway around Faversham Creek is central to the positive vision that the Town’s developing Neighbourhood Plan puts forward for regenerating the Creek area. Please help us by filling out a form to protect a piece of walkway that already exists.
Please click to enlarge the images
Form Links :-
- KCC Guidance Notes on Making an Application For a Definitive Map Modification Order
- KCC PROW User Evidence Statement
You can access the full FTC newsletter here